Desert Barbell

Premium Online Coaching Old Member Rate

Premium Online Coaching Old Member Rate

Ready to start? Book your online consultation now

Our premium service goes beyond the numbers of a training program and focuses on the ‘softer’ side of coaching, giving you a fully immersed experience in to the Desert Barbell coaching method.

What is included?

  • Initial consultation and technique review
  • Annual planning
  • Free access to Desert Barbell Training App
  • Fully customized training program with constant updates
  • Training data collection
  • End of block reviews

What's sets this apart from the standard service:

  • Weekly check-in’s via video chat
  • Technique feedback, warm-up recommendations
  • WhatsApp communication and via training app
  • Full video feedback analysis each week

Club members and affiliate members enjoy a 20% discount.

Regular price AED 650.00
Regular price Sale price AED 650.00
Sale Sold out
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

AED750 per month. Subscription starts from first billing date and is billing every month on the same day. This service requires a minimum three (3) month commitment. No pauses allowed. You may cancel any time after the three month period.

Online Coaching Terms & Conditions

Online Coaching Ts&Cs and updated policies

  • Payment and program delivery: ​Payment for online coaching can only be done online through our payment partner to create a subscription and recurring billing. You will be billed on the same day each month going forward. The program will only be delivered once the payment is made. If billing fails, your sheet will be removed until payment is completed.
  • Initial period: There is an initial period of 3 months in which the online coaching subscription cannot be cancelled. It takes time to collect data and build accurate programs. Cancellation may only happen in exceptional circumstances and can only be approved by sending a request to If the request is approved your subscription will be be cancelled, but the current month will not be refunded.
  • Initial consultation to start: The initial consultation can only take place once the recurring billing is setup. You can ask for a delayed payment date, however the subscription should be active at the time of the consultation. The consultation should take place no less than 7 days before the desired start of the program. We spend time building customized programs and we want to ensure we have considered everything.
  • Refunds, freezing and cancellations: No refunds are provided under any circumstances for online coaching as the work will have already taken place before the start of the new months. If you wish to cancel your online coaching subscription you must write to us at no later than 5 days before your billing date. We do not offer freeze periods for online coaching. If you wish to stop for a period of time, you will need to reapply to join our online coaching team and will be assigned a coach based on availability.
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